The "MKE Pace Car Program” is a resident-based program designed to fight speeding on residential streets through education and awareness.
City of Milwaukee residents can fill out the online form below to take the pledge to drive the speed limit in their neighborhoods and to obey all stop signs and red lights.
Those taking the pledge will receive a decal that identifies them as a motorist who has taken the pledge to become a MKE Pace Car. Motorists can proudly display this decal in their car’s rear window.
If 60 percent of a neighborhood’s residents take the pledge, that neighborhood can receive a sign to be displayed on the street in the neighborhood that identifies the neighborhood as a Pace Car Neighborhood.
I pledge to drive within City of Milwaukee speed limits; stop at all stop signs, red lights, and for pedestrians in crosswalks; give myself enough travel time so that I’m not sacrificing safety or courtesy; reduce overall car usage; not text while driving; be courteous to and share the road with bicyclists, pedestrians, and other drivers; and to display the Milwaukee Pace Car Program decal in my vehicle.